Crabby Mac-n-Cheese

As being one of out "poor man's favorites" who knew how popular our Crabby Mac n Cheese would be? Apparently, there were quite a handful of you loving it and adding your takes on it. Here's a few comments we received.....

"Dear Crabma (must have found out my web name!) , I have been adding all sorts of different ingredients to my mac and cheese to change it up, but when I saw this post I went gaga over it.

I never in a million years would have thought
of making crabby mac-n-cheese. "Wild Thing", you make my heart sing!
Loved and saved this recipe. I shall revisit you soon. Thank you for sharing."

To which we responded with ear to ear smiles!!! So, to the Crabby Mac n Cheese recipe....


  • 1 Pound-Elbow Macaroni

  • 8 Ounces-Shredded Cheddar or Velveeta Cheese

  • 4 Ounces-Crab Meat or Imitation Crab

  • 3 Tablespoons-Butter


Cook the macaroni aldente. Spray the casserole dish with cooking spray. Place the pasta in casserole dish.

Melt butter and pour over pasta. Set aside and cover to keep warm.

Finely chop the crab meat. Mix crab with pasta. Top with Cheddar or Velveeta cheese.

Heat in oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until cheese is nicely melted.

This Crabby Mac-n-Cheese recipe serves up 4 non-crabby servings!

Go back to Crab Meat Recipes and find some more great recipes.

Check out some of our Crab Salad Recipes that will go well with these!

Check out Homepage and find more useful information about crab! "Catch 'em! Clean 'em! Cook 'em! Eat 'em!"

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