How To Cook Crab Meat Only

by Diego
(Miami, FL)

Crab Meat

Crab Meat

I have a bag of about 4 pounds of crab meat. It was already extracted from the shell. I do not have a steamer or any experience cooking the crab meat myself. My only experience is eating them!!!

My girlfriend doesn't eat seafood, so, it is only me. Since I couldn't find any instructions so far I have prepared a pan with butter and just spread almost a pound of crab on top and then I put it in the oven at 350 degrees. While I wait to start, what I hope will be a feast, I decided to do a little more of research, so, I will freeze the rest in a freezer ziplock bag.
I will like to thank you in advance for whatever help I can receive.

Crab-O-Licious Reply-

Hi Diego! Crab Steamer or not, that sure looks like a "poor man's" way of getting it done! I hope you've put that in the oven and have cooked it and enjoyed the heck out of that crab meat!
If not, why? If you don't have a steamer, people can be creative to heat the meat up other ways just as you have shown...Good job!
Just don't bake it for too long. Let the meat get good and heated through, then, take it out and enjoy it! You don't want to over-heat it and end up burning that butter. That crab meat was already cooked via boiling I presume, so, with this said...Enjoy it!

Oh and also, next time, perhaps cover it, too, so that the meat doesn't get dry, but it should have. I would probably cover it with tin foil as well just to keep the meat from drying and it will also cook faster.

Did you try some of our Crab Soup Recipes? They'll keep warm from the inside out!

Check out some more of our Crab Meat Recipes, here.

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