Vietnamese "Drunken Crab" Recipe?

by Tami
(Coquitlam, BC, Canada)

Looking for a recipe to a Vietnamese specialty called "Drunken Crab." Please get back if you know their secret.

All we can find is that it's Whole Dungeness Crab simmered in sake, chardonnay, and brandy with garlic, scallions and black pepper. How much of which we can't find, but would sure love to have
The An Family secret recipe!!! (It will open into a new window.)
Knowing that not even their employees are allowed in a certain part of their kitchen, it's maybe hopeless to get them to share this famous recipe dish!
Thanh Long Restaurant is definitely on our "must go" list when/if we get down to San Fransisco!
We will keep our eyes out for it and if you find it, do come back and share!

I found a Drunken Crab recipe, here! It will open into a new window! Let us know, if you try it, how you like it!

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